Інформація про штатних науково-педагогічних працівників
КЗВО «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради, які мають наукові публікації у виданнях, індексованих наукометричними базами Scopus та Web of Science Core Collection
№ п/п | Автор | Назва наукової статті | Назва видання | НМБ | |
Кафедра педагогіки та психології |
1 | Boychuck P.
et al. |
Organizational Culture and Technology-Infused Management in Higher Education: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects | Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2017, Vol. 61, № 5. pp. 219-233 | Web
of Science |
2 | Boychuk P.
et al. |
Pedagogical Conditions for Ensuring the Formation of Information and Communication Competences of Higher Education Applicants | Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. Vol 11, Іssue 11, Nov-Dec 2020. P. 1130–1134. | Scopus | |
3 | Boychuk P.
et al. |
The Impact of the Academic Advising Style on the Development of an Academic Integrity Culture among Future PhD Candidates | International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Vol 20, No 4, 2021, P. 302–319. | Scopus | |
4 | Boychuk P. et al. | Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine. | Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p.233-245. | Web
of Science |
5 | Fast O. et al. | Organizational Culture and Technology-Infused Management in Higher Education: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects | Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2017, Vol. 61, № 5. pp. 219-233 | Web
of Science |
6 | Fast O. et al. | The Impact of the Academic Advising Style on the Development of an Academic Integrity Culture among Future PhD Candidates | International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Vol 20, No 4, 2021, P. 302–319. | Scopus | |
7 | Fast O. et al. | Coaching as an Innovative Method of Developing Business Communication Culture | Journal of Educational and Social Research. Vol 11, No 6, November 2021. pp. 57–67. | Scopus | |
8 | Fast O. et al. | Examining the Practices and Challenges of Distance Education of PhD Candidates in the Context of COVID-19 | Journal of Learning for Development. Vol 9,
No 1, 2022, pp. 73-88. |
Scopus | |
9 | Shevchuk O. et al. | The Impact of the Academic Advising Style on the Development of an Academic Integrity Culture among Future PhD Candidates | International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Vol 20, No 4, 2021, P. 302–319. | Scopus | |
10 | Marchuk S. et al. | Аssessment of the effectiveness of correspondence teacher education | Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. Extra B, May-Aug. 2021 p. 511–520. | Web
of Science |
11 | Marchuk S. et al. | Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine.
Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p.233-245. | Web
of Science |
12 | Borbych N. et al. | Аssessment of the effectiveness of correspondence teacher education | Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. Extra B, May-Aug. 2021 p. 511–520. | Web
of Science |
13 | Push O. et al. | Modernization of Education in the Context of Informatization and Automation | International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. IJCSNS April № 20/ 2021. Р. 41–46. | Scopus | |
14 | Козігора М. та ін. | Когніції, емоції та мовлення медпрацівників у стресових ситуаціях: клінічні та етичні імплікації для дослідницьких методів (англ. мовою) | Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика: зб. наук. праць. Переяслав: ФОП Домбровська Я. М. 2021. Вип. 30(1). С. 8–25. | Scopus | |
Кафедра філології |
1 | Martyniuk M. et al. | Contemporary Literary Journalism: Factors Of The Reader | Ad Alta: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 11. Issue 2. Special Issue XX. 2021, P. 165–175. | Web
of Science |
2 | Skrobaka Yu. et al. | Modeling the application of educational technologies in the conditions of postgraduate education in Ukraine | Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, Volume 24, Special Issue 1, 2021 | Scopus | |
3 | Tryndiuk V. et al. | Non-verbal means of communication in the representation of the emotional state of joy in modern English fictional discourse. | Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2020(20) | Scopus | |
4 | Tryndiuk V. et al. | Student Storytelling for Communication Skill Development Online (in the Time of Covid-19 Quarantine) | The New Educational Review, Vol. 63, No. 1/2021. ISSN 1732-6729, 2021, P.149-161 | Scopus | |
5 | Bliashevska A. et al. | Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine. | Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p.233-245. | Web
of Science |
6 | Knight N. et al. | Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine. | Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p.233-245. | Web
of Science |
Кафедра природничо-математичної, світоглядної освіти та інформаційних технологій |
1 | Bortniuk T. et al. | The Influence Of Social Reflection To Enhance The Efficiency Of Professional
Communication Of The In-Service Teachers In The Settings Of Methodical Work. |
Applied Linguistics Research Journal, 2020, 4 (9), р. 182-189. | Scopus | |
2 | Bortniuk T. et al. | Technologies Of Educational Activity Development: Theoretical Fundamentals | International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.21 No.11, November 2021, pp. 177-180. | Web
of Science |
3 | Kovalchuk I. et al. | Assessment of the effectiveness of correspondence teacher education | Laplage em Revista (International), vol. 7, n. Extra B, May – Aug. 2021, p. 511-520. ISSN: 2446–6220 | Scopus | |
4 | Smoliuk А.
et al. |
The Problem of Health Protection in Modern Educational Institutions. | Revista Inclusiones. Vol. 7. Núm. 4. Octubre/Diciembre, 2020. Pp. 108-116 | Web of Science | |
5 | Golya G.
et al. |
Examining the Practices and Challenges of Distance Education of PhD Candidates in the Context of COVID-19 | Journal of Learning for Development. Vol 9,
No 1, 2022, pp. 73-88. |
Scopus | |
Кафедра фізичної культури |
1 | Dyshko O.
et al. |
O esporte moderno como meio eficaz de desenvolvimento de habilidades motoras e formação de habilidades aplicadas no ensino superior | Laplage Em Revista. 2021) 7(Extra-B), p.568-574 | Web
of Science |
2 | Dyshko O.
et al. |
Museus virtuais usando no processo de estudo de disciplinas de turismo | Laplage Em Revista. 2021, 7(3B), p.179-186. | Web
of Science |
3 | Dyshko O.
et al. |
The Analysis of Effectiveness of Elastic Training (Resistant) Bands Application to Develop Explosive Strength | Zdorov’â, sport, reabìlìtacìâ [Health, Sport, Rehabilitation]. 2021, 7(3):52-62. | Scopus | |
4 | Denisenko N. et al. | Featuresof Training Cadetsin Physical Educationin Military Institutions of Higher Education. | SRP. 020.11(9).:10.31838/srp.2020.10.46.
Р. 278–281. |
Scopus | |
5 | Denisenko N. et al. | Аssessment of the effectiveness of correspondence teacher education | Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. Extra B, May-Aug. 2021, p. 511–520. | Scopus | |
6 | Denysenko N. et al. | Museus virtuais usando no processo de estudo de disciplinas de turismo | Laplage Em Revista. 2021, 7(3B), p.179-186. | Web
of Science |
7 | Denysenko N. et al. | Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine. | Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p.233-245. | Web
of Science |
8 | Zaichuk K. et al. | Museus virtuais usando no processo de estudo de disciplinas de turismo | Laplage Em Revista. 2021, 7(3B), p.179-186. | Web
of Science |
9 | Buhaichuk N. et al. | Examining the Practices and Challenges of Distance Education of PhD Candidates in the Context of COVID-19 | Journal of Learning for Development. Vol 9,
No 1, 2022, pp. 73-88.
Scopus | |
Кафедра теорії та методики дошкільної освіти |
1 | Ivanova N. et al. | Theoretical Aspects Of The Organizational And Pedagogical Conditions Of Creative Self-Development Of Distance Learning Students | International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. Vol.21, No.5, May, 2021, S. 231-236. | Web
of Science |
2 | Іванова Н. та ін. | Візуальні метафори в цифровому освітньому просторі | Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання.2021. Том 81. №1. С.1-14. | Web
of Science |
3 | Ivanova N.
et al. |
Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine. | Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p.233-245. | Web
of Science |
4 | Ivanova N.
et al. |
Some Peculiarities of Integrating Visual Literacy into the System of Modern Education. | Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, p. 322-338. | Web
of Science |
5 | Durmanenko Е. et al. | School Mediation as A Means of Preventing Social Maladjustment of Students from Risk Groups | Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment, Vol. 9 No. 5 2021, p.546-554. | Scopus | |
6 | Durmanenko Е. et al. | Elvalor de la paternidad consciente como dirección prioritaria en la formación profesional de los trabajadores sociales | Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, Número Especial, Noviembre 2021. Ciencias de la Educación. Vol. 12 Núm. 35, 2021, р. 85-105. | Web
of Science |
7 | Oksenchuk T. et al. | Features of Formation of Values and Motives of Applicants for Higher Education | Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, Vol. 24(2), February, 2021, pp. 1–9. | Scopus | |
8 | Zamelyuk M. et al. | Peculiarities of professional culture development in modern youth in Ukraine | Youth Voice Journal, ISSN (online): 2969, 2021 | Scopus | |
9 | Bubin A.
et al. |
Training technologies as a means of increasing motivation for creative activity of future nursery teachers | Laplage Em Revista (International). Vol. 7, n. Extra E, Aug., 2021, p. 254-261 | Web
of Science |
10 | Tsypliuk A.
et al. |
Training technologies as a means of increasing motivation for creative activity of future nursery teachers | Laplage Em Revista (International). Vol. 7, n. Extra E, Aug., 2021, p.254-261 | Web
of Science |
Кафедра теорії, методики музичної освіти та інструментальної підготовки |
1 | Zhorniak B.
et al. |
Jagiellonianism in Poland and Ukraine as a factor of university education and a cultural and historical phenomenon | Linguistics and Culture Review, New York, United States. 5 (S2), 2021, P. 68-79. | Scopus | |
2 | Horobets T. et al. | The Impact of the Academic Advising Style on the Development of an Academic Integrity Culture among Future PhD Candidates | International journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Research.Vol. 20, №4, 2021, P. 302-319. | Scopus | |
3 | Stepaniuk I. et al. | Jagiellonianism in Poland and Ukraine as a factor of university education and a cultural and historical phenomenon | Linguistics and Culture Review, New York, United States. 5 (S2), 2021, P.68-79. | Scopus | |
Кафедра диригентсько-хорових дисциплін та постановки голосу |
1 | Rehulich I.
et al. |
Jagiellonianism in Poland and Ukraine as a factor of university education and a cultural and historical phenomenon | Linguistics and Culture Review, New York, United States. 5 (S2), 2021, P. 68-79. | Scopus | |
2 | Shkoba V.
et al. |
The Impact of the Academic Advising Style on the Development of an Academic Integrity Culture among Future PhD Candidates | International journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Research.Vol. 20, №4, 2021, P. 302-319. | Scopus | |
3 | Zarytska A.
et al. |
Introduction of New Forms of Education in Modern Higher and Vocational Education and Training | International Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 9, No. 7. 2020. P.107-118. | Scopus |